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Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Random Felonious Felines and Flowers

Random Felonious Felines and Flowers

Yes I still have tons of posts to publish all pending my completion of either research for text to accompany the photos or editing and verifying of the information or needing to get some additional photos to illustrate issues etc. The real problem is that I tend to work on several things at the same time (I am working on other writing projects aside from this blog).

Unknown Ground Orchid
Another thing that has added to the backlog is that while adding a whole bunch of gadgets to the blog which some of you may have noticed (e.g. the counter, most popular posts etc) I realised that I needed to revise the way I was tagging my posts and have been working out a systematic and logical way of tagging the posts to maximise their utility not only in terms of making the blog more visible to people searching for specific things through the various search engines but also to enable people reading the blog to easily find other posts that might interest them.

Clerodendrum thomsoniae - Bleeding Heart Vine
This has meant consolidating some tags while breaking down, expanding and/or adding others. I have more or less sorted that out and once that is decided then I’m going to go through all the published (and unpublished posts) and redo all the tags. Depending on how the internet is .... it could take some time or be done easily.

Pebble of the Ninja Cat Clan pretending to be cute and adorable

In the meantime just to keep you all happy here are some random photos I took in April 2013. Some will feature in later blog posts with additional text and information. Others are just for the eye candy value and hopefully some will bring a smile to some of you.

Bleeding Heart Vine

Harvest time - Seeds of a Mystery Plant

Another new serendipitous addition Unknown creeper 


Flora and Fauna - Plants and Critters Blog by Vincent Albert Vermeulen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Based on a work at http://plantsandcritters.blogspot.be/.

Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://plantsandcritters.blogspot.be/.

Additional information:

Here is a list of my blogs:

·         Flora and Fauna - Plants and Critters (on plants, animals as well as gardening, conservation and environmental matters): http://plantsandcritters.blogspot.com/

·         The Blood of  Souls (language, translation and etymology) : http://thebloodofsouls.blogspot.com/


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