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Friday, 25 January 2013

Mystery Plant

Mystery Plant

Okay I'm starting this thing in which every onw and then I will post a Mystery Plant. That is a plant that I have come across but have no idea what it is. If you know what it is please let me know.

I found the two specimens I have growing on some moss covered rocks (on a lava rock wall) up at Tanumalala which is up in along the centre of Upolu. That is probably the same altitude as Aleisa so it is very wet.
I have already gotten two cuttings from one. They grew up where the flower stalks were after the flowers had died off.
I am now waiting to see if the same thing occurs with the other flowers. i.e. will new shoots grow where the flowers were.
It is a soft stemmed plant right through. No sign of any woody stem emerging. i.e. it is soft stemmed right down to the root.
I have not checked the root system since I transplanted it but it was clinging to the rocks  and did not have a very extensive root system. Although it was not too hard to separate it from the rock and surrounding moss it seemed to have been pretty well attached.


  1. I've got two different types of this plant. They are hardy and I swear they keeep popping up where they are not particularly wanted. But I do love the shine on the leaves of the type posted here, and great contrast to the bright orange flower.

    1. Do you have photos? I thing there are at least two cultivars. I have only seen one in Samoa.

  2. The plant has been identified identified by Susan Philipsand Shaini Philips who recognised it and identified it as Chrysothemis pulchella which is commonly known as Copper leaf as well as by the names Sunset Bells, Black Flamingo, and Chrysothemis. http://plantsandcritters.blogspot.com/2013/05/mystery-plant-chrysothemis-pulchella.html
    What other types do you have. Apparently the
    Chrysothemis Genus includes six (6) species of which Chrysothemis pulchella is the most widely spread with the greatest variety. Unfortunately I have not come across any other cultivars yet so I am extremely interested in seeing what they look like. The leaf and flower shapes and colours.
