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Thursday, 3 January 2013

Flowers and Trees on Avenue Louise Part 1

Flowers and Trees on Avenue Louise  Part 1
Aside from the hidden green spaces, massive forests, tree lined avenues and front garden gems one thing that you see a lot in Brussels and other cities, towns and villages in Belgium are flowers in median strips, along roadsides in baskets hanging from lamp posts and in roundabouts starting from spring until Autumn for as long as the hardiest flowering plants last.

Around spring time in July 2012 I went down to Avenue Louise because I wanted to take some photos of some statues that I have been meaning to photograph for a while, in particular this big composition at the entrance of the Cambre Forest of two men on horsesI think i will call it: Everything and nothing in particular, until I come up with something better or have enough material to split it up.

Then I got distracted by the flowers planted along the median strip of Avenue Louise in Brussels- Close to entrance of the Forest of La Cambre (Dutch: Ter Kamerenboos , French: Bois de la Cambre which is an urban public park on the edge of the Sonian Forest in Brussels.

Sorry I have no idea what the names of the flowers are. I have a suspicion as to the purple ones but want to check up on that first.

Ok I know that the Red ones are Begoinas, but that is it.

This is one thing that I really like about Brussels and cities like it: Tree lines avenues with  REAL Trees that provide lots of shade not to mention homes for all sorts of birds. It is not unusual to hear birds singing in the middle of the city in such areas.
In Spring 2012 at night tyou could often hear a nightingale singing on Avenue Des Sept Bonniers

Creative Commons License
Flora and Fauna - Plants and Critters Blog by Vincent Albert Vermeulen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://plantsandcritters.blogspot.be/.

The Sonian Forest (Dutch: Zoniënwoud,French: Forêt de Soignes) is a 4,421-hectare (10,920-acre) forest that lies across the south-eastern part ofBrussels, Belgium

Additional details:
As I said I will be posting the photographs of the statues on another blog which will cover  art, sculpture, food, history, culture, literature among other things. Basically this blog will be a catch all for other topics that I cannot logically cover in my existing blogs:

·         Flora and Fauna - Plants and Critters (on plants, animals as well as gardening, conservation and environmental matters)

·         The Blood of  Souls (language, translation and etymology)

·         Whiskers on Kittens (Life with Kittens and Cats in general)

Creative Commons License
Flora and Fauna - Plants and Critters Blog by Vincent Albert Vermeulen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at http://plantsandcritters.blogspot.be/.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://plantsandcritters.blogspot.be/.


  1. LOVE the bed of colours, lavender, yellows, reds and white on green!

    1. Yes, they really do look nice. I'm not sure if the same level of planning, colour coordination and detail goes into these yearly plantings as goes into floral extravaganzas like the 14 hectares planted every year for Floralia Brussels at Château de Grand Bigrad.
