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Sunday, 1 December 2013

Resuming Blog soon

Sorry for the not posting anything for a while. I moved twice in the last few months from Samoa to Belgium and now I am in the United Kingdom. On top of that my laptop crashed although fortunately I had backed up most of my photos. I did lose some photos and data but not that much. Then I had to get used to the new programmes since I could not get all I had installed on the new pc.
Another factor is that as I am studying full time so that reduces the time I can spend on this and the other blogs.
However, do not despair because I still have a backlog of photos from Samoa and Belgium to post along with the various series like Plant Families, Propagation of various plants and other 'special' topics. It will be interesting to introduce to you the various plants that while native to certain regions have relatives in other regions.
Also some plants that we assume only grow in certain regions actually do quite well in other regions. It will also be an opportunity to cover propagation and how to grow plants in different regions. This is one issue I have found frustrating in the past when looking for information on some plant I wanted to grow when I was in Samoa as most of the books and websites tend to be written for North American readers and it is hard to find information for the tropics although if you can track down Australian, New Zealand or better yet Hawaiian sources then you can find relevant information to tropical climates.
As I will be in the United Kingdom for a while I hope to be able to find the time to visit some places such as the Kew Royal Botanical Gardens and the plethora of stunning and beautiful public and private gardens that you can find throughout the United Kingdom. At the very least I also hope to be able to add some variety to the critters section although while I have seen a number of squirrels and a young fox they always appear when I am without my camera.
So here is looking to some new posts and new material. Thanks for visiting Flora and Fauna - Plants and Critters as well as my other blogs. I hope that you have found them a feast for the eyes, mind and soul.
